Sunday, July 14, 2013

July Heat

Well, the July heat is here. What does one do when it's hot and humid outside (besides go to the beach that is) you write of course!! I am currently working on a couple of short stories for a local book of, about and by grandmothers of the Chippewa Valley.  In it you will find stories of all kinds; sad and happy ones, heartwarming ones or just plain humorous ones.  Mine for last year was title:  Life Before...Just About Everything!  I went into great detail about life before indoor plumbing, set in the good old 50's and 60's of my childhood.  I shared plenty of stories on children being let loose with just warnings, don't stick your fingers in the fan, don't get your hand in the fly wheel of the tractor, don't stick your hand into the syryp for the peanut brittle or the hot soup.  It was just assumed that you were listening and would mind, and usually you did. Now, parents follow their kids from room to room for fear they might get hurt, of course if they do, then they are terrible parents. Or worse, if they need stitches, social services will come knocking on their door.  Great world we live in that kids can't learn by doing anymore.   Well, enough of that, back to the book.  It is a wonderful publication that will "go out with a bang" this year and will not be seen again.  Shame real shame.

My story this year is about my second home as a child. I had no grandparents so my parents neighbors and friends sort of adopted me.  I had many great experiences in the Freid household and talk about them for the next issue of the book.  Pick one up this year and you will be hooked. (next year too)

And then I am preparing for an author's event that my group is holding on July 30,2013 at the Chetek Library.  We will be speaking on our travels as Self Published Authors.  My speaking partner and I will be doing the pros and cons of the process.  And the remaining five authors will cover other topics.  Come on in and listen at 7pm!!

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