Friday, March 29, 2013


 Every time that someone tells me that I should write more; that I have a talent for it. I become humbled, I am just a gal with stories to tell. But each time I hear it, it makes me feel so glad that I finally sat down and put words on paper and that I wrote Acres for people to enjoy. I heard last night from someone again that they thoroughly enjoyed my novel and what I chose to write about!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


What a glorious week this has been!  The sun has been out each and every single day.  Makes for a productive week.  Getting back into the swing of writing will be tough after a long illness preventing me from working.  But starting right now, I am officially back to try and sell books online.  I have no idea what I'm doing or how, but have to keep trying.  Have a gajillion of them in print to get out there for everyone to read.  Right now though, I have other duties to perform.  Catch ya later!

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Riggins, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930 love, lost, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, secrets

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring yet?

Winter still, first day of spring come and gone.  Spring you say, hmmmm, not really.  Read a facebook post with a picture of Puxhautany Phil on a wanted poster.  For Fraud!! Gotta laugh!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Snow Days

Another snowy day in Northern Wisconsin. Groundhog missed his mark this year, but I guess more snow doesn't necessarily mean 6 weeks of winter. But in this case it does!!

Trying to work on Book No. 2 which will be titled 'Bittersweet Reunions.' It will be of the same genre as Acres of Bitterness which is a Native American Historical Fiction Romance Novel. I hope it turns out as well as everyone tells me that Acres did and that they can't wait for me to write another one.  Going slow this time around due to several factors, healther being the biggest one. 

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in October, had surgery and have made a full recovery now.  Saving you the details, I was very lucky.  Girls, have your mammograms on time.  I was early stage one because I go on a regular basis and as a result escaped the horrors that some women go through.  I empathize with those who do for their suffering.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Winter in Wisconsin

Waiting once again for snow to hit WI.  What a perfect week to curl up with a good book.  If you ordered right now, you could get one before it's over.  I would love to share Acres of Bitterness with all of you and the riveting scenarios that I created.  It excited me to write it and I'm hoping all will feel the same.  I was at a show last weekend and a lady purchased a book from me.  I received a card in the mail from her and this is what it said:

I finished your book this morning and I really enjoyed it.  Keep writing, you have a wonderful talent.  Will look forward to your next book. 


Now that is what an author loves to hear!