Monday, October 28, 2013

Breast Cancer Survivor

I am proud and happy to announce that I am a one year survivor of breast cancer.  It is quite a shock to learn that you have breast cancer. We all react in different ways and survive it in different manners.  I was a lucky one, it was caught in early stage one and I was fortunate enough to not have chemotherapy or radiation treatments.  Even though the mass was removed, I will always have that worry that it will come back around the area removed or surface in the other breast.  Now with routine mammograms your chances are at least somewhat better than they were in earlier years.

It does have positive effects on you though, you want to spend every moment with those that you love.  And truly appreciate being here to have those time with them.  You never know when it may be taken away from you.  I participated in the Breast Cancer Walk again this year and meeting the other survivors and listening to their stories was amazing.  The woman who spoke had a mother, sister and cousins who all had or have breast cancer, and she feared for her granddaughter now.   I also have three girls and a granddaughter to worry that someday they may face the same diagnosis.  I hope that prevention and a cure will happen in their lifetimes and they will be free from facing what so many women have.

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