Thursday, June 12, 2014

CH 3 Exc from Acres of Bitterness


I know it has been difficult for my family to understand my obsession to have knowledge of my history and that of my family to pass on to them and to their children.  But ultimately, family is who you are made of, your mental capacities, your body chemistry, your emotional distresses your health and soul all stems partially from your ancestry.   They do not know the extent of things that I hope to learn by my return trip to my homeland, I have kept them in the dark about that.  I have never shared with them any of my inklings of a secret  life, one that occurred before they were born and that I have held in my mind and in my heart for thirty years.  A life that I do not know for sure exists in the physical being or just in my mental being, one that I myself know nothing about.  Except for flashes of faces and places and nightmares of the same, all I really have is heartache and feeling of something vastly significant that was lost to me.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitterroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, three decades love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family,  secrets,

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