Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Breast Cancer Health - Planning Your Life

Boy, you never know what's going to happen to your health.  You can only plan on planning how your life is going to go and the rest is left to chance I guess is how I would put it.  I wouldn't have guess I would experience a major slowdown this past year.  After having surgery for Stage One Breast Cancer and having it successfully removed and cleared of all cancer cells, my life changed dramatically.  I no longer have the stamina that I once had and need a long nap every day, two hours right on the button.  No matter what time I get up in the morning or what time I go to bed, it's the same, still  a two hour rest is required.  I do have to go without a nap some days however, if I am gone or have company or something.  Then that next day, I can't wait to get to my nap pretty much as soon as I get up in the morning.  Now that is sad.  Alot of time invested in that down time.  But when I  wake up from said nap, I am ready to accomplish something.  Unfortunately, not enough time for major projects to be done quickly though.  Oh well, we all have our repercussion from health issues. 
So, I am trying to reduce the number of copies of Acres that I have stored.  Reducing the price hopefully will do that for me.  We shall see!!  Price will come down from $11.99 to $8.99.  Hopefully I will have some people taking advantage of the offier.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

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