Thursday, October 30, 2014

You secrets will control you

Secrets can eat at you if you don't seek them out. Josie knew that there were things from her past life that she had lost and had to find.  Losing a year of her memory from before fleeing the war kept her longing for that time back.  What will she find when she goes back to her birthplace?  She finds not only her secrets, but her families as well.  Earthshattering secrets that will change her world forever.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Danger in Knowing

While laying there awaiting slumber to overcome us, I woke up and asked where we were.  Each of them, as we lay in the decaying structure, with tears in their voices, welcomed me back to them.   My father was laying on one side of me with my grandfather on the other, each reached over to touch me to reassure me that this was not a dream world. They said they had been waiting and praying for this to happen, the gods would not punish them by losing me. This was the real thing; I was there with only them, cold and shivering in a dank, empty hovel; high in the Bitterroot Mountains, far away from any form of civilization.  My mother was cuddled together with her mother on the wall’s bench, and she greeted me back into reality from there.  She told me that grandmother wasn’t feeling well and she could not leave the makeshift bench for fear of falling through the weak floorboards.  Grandfather took my hand in his and squeezed it hard and told me gently to lie still and when I woke up in the morning, his hand was still there.  And then mother warned the others that I was still too weak to fully grasp the situation and would need plenty of time to adjust and understand.  And with that brief amount of information, as I was falling back to sleep, I heard my mother, say, “Frederick, I hope this does not send Josie back to her coma, when she starts remembering on her own, she may not want to be here.”  What did she mean by that?  Why would I want to be anywhere else except here with my family?  Unless, she meant that I had to give up the rest of our family as they did, and my friends, home and surroundings.  Yes, that’s what she must have been talking about; we had left everyone behind and went our own direction. 



Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Breast Cancer Research/proceeds

I am a Survivor of two years now.  Hardly seems like I ever had cancer, it was all over so quickly.  I was diagnosed at early stage one, so feel very fortunate in that regard.  I am offering Acres of Bitterness proceeds to breast cancer research. 

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Thursday, October 9, 2014

books to give away

Books to give away

Well, it's time for a book giveaway promotion!   I am giving away one copy of Acres of Bitterness per day, just please pay half of the shipping which is about $2.75.  So, all you need to pay is $1.38 to received a book for free.  Think ahead to Christmas presents.  Special runs from 09-22-14 - 10-22-14.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Friday, September 19, 2014

Books to give away

Well, it's time for a book giveaway promotion!   I am giving away one copy of Acres of Bitterness per day, just please pay half of the shipping which is about $2.75.  So, all you need to pay is $1.38 to received a book for free.  Think ahead to Christmas presents.  Special runs from 09-22-14 - 10-22-14.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day weekend to all!  Three days of sunshine and hot temperatures.  Heading to the beach this afternoon after I finish some digging and planting that is.  Have to get some work done to earn my time off of course!!  Writing and online things can wait, school starts next week and I will miss my grandkids terribly, but I can't complain because I have seen them quite a bit this summer.  Still, Grandma will be lonely, should get more writing done I suppose!

Books on sale:  $8.00 + $2.00 s+h

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Friday, July 25, 2014

Authors Gather to Showcase and Sell Books

Several Authors will gather at the Bloomer Community Fair to showcase and sell their books.  There will be a variety of genres and age interests. The Fair will be held on July 31, - Aug. 4, 2014 from 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm every day.  Carnival rides of the kids and plenty of buildings to browse through too!  The animal buildings are always fun too.  And the food booths have many local organizations hosting them.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Against her Will - Never to Remember

The War has displaced the Nez Perce scattering them in all directions.  The Army sent them on a deadly chase from Riggins and White Bird , Idaho. The rounded them up like animalsOne family has taken to the Rocky Mts. to flee as far as they possibly can with their little family of five. They encounter grueling conditions with two invalids.  One dying and one recovering from a coma due to smallpox.  Will they make it and to where, and what will they tell their daughter who has been dragged along with them against her will?   Will they lie to her, tell her the truth, what? She was in a coma when she was taken, never to remember that time of her life before they fled.  What was her life like before she contracted smallpox?

Taking a little break these days to spend some good old summer time with the grandkids!  Time for camping, walking, bike riding and hiking in the woods with the grandkids.  Dropped the book price for the time being in the hopes of catching some summer readers.  Hope you all will want something good to read while hanging out this summer. 

/////Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shard of Glass

Josie's mother's words struck her like shards of glass from a broken mirror.  She will never forget that day... or will she?  Alot can happen in your life that you know nothing about, or can't remember.  Josie's memory from a time three decades ago was lost to her.  Almost a year of it to be exact.  She had contracted smallpox and lapsed into a coma, not once, but twice and as a result does not know the details of that time in her life. Josie travels back to the place of her birth to unlock these secrets that she knows are there.  She has felt it in her night dreams, her daydreams and her subconscious knows that some pieces to the puzzle that are her life are out there.  Follow her along as she rebuilds her story from the seventeenth year of her fragile life.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Idaho Trip Book 2/Sequel- Bittersweet Reunions

 Hello all readers!   I am back in the land of Acres of Bitterness once again.  I am getting fully charged for Book 2 - Bittersweet Reunions!  The setting will remain the same and the characters too.  However, you can view it as a sequel only if you want to.  I have given a very good overview to get you intrigued with Bittersweet Reunions.  I think you will find it entertaining, dramatic, interesting & informative.  The book is a work of fiction mostly, but there are historical portions also which I will clearly identify as such.

My characters embark on some uprooting scenes where family lives are at stake and threaten to get worse if drastic measures aren't taken.  I will keep you updated.  But please give Acres of Bitterness a chance first, please.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

CH 3 Exc from Acres of Bitterness


I know it has been difficult for my family to understand my obsession to have knowledge of my history and that of my family to pass on to them and to their children.  But ultimately, family is who you are made of, your mental capacities, your body chemistry, your emotional distresses your health and soul all stems partially from your ancestry.   They do not know the extent of things that I hope to learn by my return trip to my homeland, I have kept them in the dark about that.  I have never shared with them any of my inklings of a secret  life, one that occurred before they were born and that I have held in my mind and in my heart for thirty years.  A life that I do not know for sure exists in the physical being or just in my mental being, one that I myself know nothing about.  Except for flashes of faces and places and nightmares of the same, all I really have is heartache and feeling of something vastly significant that was lost to me.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitterroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, three decades love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family,  secrets,

Bittersweet Reunions Trip to the Bitteroots

Leaving shortly for a trip to the Bitteroot Mts.!!  I will be working on Book No. 2 - 'Bittersweet Reunions' and hopefully that will be out by the end of this year.  Wouldn't that be awesome?  Josie's story will continue with her newly found family members and friends.  What will she do with family in two different states?  Read and find out! But first please read Acres of Bitterness so you can become familiar with the characters and plots that I have set up. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Excerpt from CH. 1 from Acres of Bitterness

Marketing my book has become increasingly difficult.  Which is why I have lowered my price to $10.99 and that includes s&h.  I just really want everyone to read what I have created.  So I am going to continually post excerpts from my novel to tempt you all!!

First I will give you a little from Chapter One: The Letter of Enlightenment

This letter which I hold in my hand could be the most important piece of mail that I have ever received. It may contain precious answers that I have longed for my entire adult life.  My lingering ache that spanned three decades could possibly be soothed within the lines of these pieces of paper.

It was a moment that would change my life and that of my family as well.  As I opened that letter that was postmarked June 1, 1935, Riggins, Idaho, my heart pounded so loudly that I could hear nothing but the sound of waves crashing over rocks.  I thought there was no one out there that knew what had become of us, let along where we were.  This was the golden opportunity I had been praying for, some indication that I could learn the secrets that my father and grandfather had locked away forever.  I may discover if there is any truth to the scattered thoughts and memories that I have been struggling with most of my life.  Is this the link to the genealogy of the generations of Blue Doves past, present and even future?  There are facts I need to discover, legacies to learn, and secrets to be revealed.  My eyes are filled with tears, my hands are shaking and my ears are ringing to the point that I think I shall faint.  I wish someone was here to steady me, to catch me should I collapse.  No, this is something that I need to do along, in absolute privacy to bask in the moment of any shred of truths that this letter may contain.


Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Lowering my price and new excerpts from CH. 1

Marketing my book has become increasingly difficult.  Which is why I have lowered my price to $10.99 and that includes s&h.  I just really want everyone to read what I have created.  So I am going to continually post excerpts from my novel to tempt you all!!

First I will give you a little from Chapter One: The Letter of Enlightenment

This letter which I hold in my hand could be the most important piece of mail that I have ever received. It may contain precious answers that I have longed for my entire adult life.  My lingering ache that spanned three decades could possibly be soothed within the lines of these pieces of paper.

It was a moment that would change my life and that of my family as well.  As I opened that letter that was postmarked June 1, 1935, Riggins, Idaho, my heart pounded so loudly that I could hear nothing but the sound of waves crashing over rocks.  I thought there was no one out there that knew what had become of us, let along where we were.  This was the golden opportunity I had been praying for, some indication that I could learn the secrets that my father and grandfather had locked away forever.  I may discover if there is any truth to the scattered thoughts and memories that I have been struggling with most of my life.  Is this the link to the genealogy of the generations of Blue Doves past, present and even future?  There are facts I need to discover, legacies to learn, and secrets to be revealed.  My eyes are filled with tears, my hands are shaking and my ears are ringing to the point that I think I shall faint.  I wish someone was here to steady me, to catch me should I collapse.  No, this is something that I need to do along, in absolute privacy to bask in the moment of any shred of truths that this letter may contain.


Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Prologue to Acres of Bitterness

Prologue to Acres of Bitterness


Everyone has a certain curiosity about their heritage and I have decided that the time has come for me to investigate mine.  I believed it would be an enjoyable pursuit back into the archives of my genealogy, little did I know how far removed from the simple realm of things this adventure would be.

There has always been something missing, I have always felt, both in my heart and in my mind. Especially in my heart, I have had painful, pinching twinges shoot through my delicate life sustaining organ that began almost to the hour that we left our beloved home on Allison Creek. And I would experience flashes of light and unfamiliar scenes quite often throughout my life, quite often interrupting my normal thought processes and terrifying me in my slumber.

My birth name was Josephine Anna LeClaire.  I am the result of a French-Canadian father and a Native American mother.  My first name stems from a two-fold admiration; my father’s to the Emperess Josephine, wife to Napoleon Bonaparte and my mother’s to Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe, who was her uncle. 

To begin tracing my mother’s history appeared to be the logical point of origin; she was born in White Bird, Idaho and was a member of the Nez Perce tribe.  As for my father’s origin, he was born in Alberta, Canada in the wilderness area known as Gregoire Lake Provincial Park. The two met as young adults by mere happenstance and believed that they were fated to meet and fall in love.  My mother’s family had moved down to Riggins, just a short distance south of White Bird, and my father relocated there from British Columbia to work in the mill to be closer to her.

 You are always taking a chance when you attempt to learn the complete story, that, you may also be made aware of things that were not revealed for a reason.  Which is why it is now, only after both of my parents are deceased, and all of my own children are grown and on their own that I am putting aside my present family life in search of my lineage.  My father would always say, however, when my inquiring mind asked, that, “you know all that you need to know, Josie.”

My children, of course, met my decision with much skepticism and began strictly analyzing my motive and my need for closure in these matters. The general conception was that their mother and the grandmother to their children had “lost her mind.”  They thought I certainly must be mentally inept to even think of undertaking such a task.  “But you could get hurt, or lost or worse yet, be killed.”  I responded by telling them that they are viewing it in the incorrect context; I will not be trudging through the mountains or careening down the river in a canoe searching for clues.  Rather I am looking for the untold story.  It has become my mission in life, my duty, to discover life lines to pass on to their children’s children. Our history as it stands, based on the information I was given, is not complete and certainly not truthful.  And now that I have reached this point in time, I have been presented with the opportunity to discover all of the pieces of the puzzle that are my life.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Springtime and Fibromyalgia

Will Spring every happen in WI.? Temps in the 50's do not indicate that it is.  Feeling stiff, sore and out of sorts.  The hot tub and a little simple restorative yoga stretching certainly help.  But nothing like the good old temps of summer in the 70's.  I welcome ye back ole summer!  But seriously, that is what works the best for me, if it could only be sunny and 70 all the time.  NO, I am not moving to Florida, it's so humid there in the summer, you can't open the door and go outside.  The wet, damp air sticks to your muscles and really puts me down.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Florida Getaway and Fibromyalgia

I just returned from Florida after a three week stay in the nice warm weather.  I loved it!!  The heat makes me feel soooo good, hardly any pain associated with being there.  I also, of course, love summer around here, except in the humidity which makes my fibro flare greatly.  I hope I will have the opportunity to do this every winter now that my husband and I are both retired.  Have to get a few perks out of growing older, ya know.  But seriously, the key to feeling good is staying warm, hiding out from the cold weather at all costs.  Even if you become a recluse in the winter time, it it means keeping your fibro in check, by all means do it and love it !!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

winter retreat a success; yoga & winter

Debra A. Patrow says:

Well, the writing retreat is over and I did wonderfully. I was able to outline my chapters and write a couple of them. Now to finish typing it up as I start the old fashioned way; on pencil and paper. (I know, I must be an oldie) So... it was well worth the time and effort to make it happen. Any of you authors get an offer to sneak away and have some quiet time, take it!

You can fight winters effects on your fibromyalgia with yoga.  I saw a  diagram with several poses on it and have been doing them a couple times a day for about five minutes.  They call it restorative yoga, which basically is stretching to loosen up our muscles.  And relieve the stress on our body as well as our mind.  I have never been to a class, so there are no expenses involved. You can also get DVD's, print outs or watch on YouTube as well. Thank you someone for coming up with  the idea and getting it out there for all of us sufferers.  I also make sure I get structured sleep, usually in bed 9 or 10 pm and up 7-7:30 am with a nap in the middle of the day.  I do fairly well with that endeavor.   Otherwise, not only does my body react negatively, so does my thought process. I don't like to go anywhere at night, for that reason alone.  So to speak... when the lights aren't on, nobody's home.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Yoga, and Writing Retreat

I am currently tucked away in a cabin on the lake.  It is my writing retreat for the winter.  I have been able to outline my chapters, write a few and form the direction in which 'Bittersweet Reunions' will take.  Yay!!  I also have been able to do my yoga each morning while looking out on the beautiful lakeshore.  What could be a better way to have a little respite from my usual daily routine.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fibro sufferer

I am a fibro sufferer and glad to talk about it.  Most people can't pronounce it or spell it correctly and certainly don't understand it. It took eleven years for my diagnosis to be straightened out.  On the advice of my who is just slightly older than I am I went to see a young doctor fresh out of medical school.  My doctor had been treating me for fibrocitis, (now who can't spell) but thought there was more advanced thoughts out there on the subject.  And he was correct, my new doctor said he was going to look into treatment for fibro.  And that's history, he prescribed the correct medication and I was on my way to a more normal life.  And now I've discovered that yoga is wonderful for my symptoms too.  So, don't give up hope, there's a lot out there that you can do to feel better.  Good Luck to you!

////Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fibromyalgia & Winter

I am a fibromyalgia sufferer and I am fighting with Mother Nature steadily.  This cold, cold Wisconsin weather is taking me for a long, hard ride this year.  Our frigid temperatures are keeping me from doing too much in the way of physical movement.  However, I have found that yoga really helps keep me untangled!  They used to call it stretching when I first became a sufferer.  Now, it has a more dignified title and people don't think I am strange when I do it.  Also, taking yourself to a place far away used to be called biofeedback or meditation.  Now, everybody's doing it!  Gotta go for now, fibro sufferer's; hang in there.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Granddaughter selsl Grandmothers books at school

Well, it's just nothing but bitter cold here in Wisconsin.  Below zero every day and going to get worse again for another week.  Good time to hide out and write, but still have to go out to work, shop and watch my granddaughter perform on Saturday night.  She is part of the opening ceremony for the Bloomer Rope Jumping Competition on Jan. 25, 2014. 

Speaking of her I have a cute, cute story to share.
I got a phone call from my granddaughter the other day telling me that she had been carrying my book around with her at school. Everyone asked her about it I guess, and she said she was selling them for $5 -$10, she wasn't sure. She asked me & was hoping I wouldn't be mad that I had to make all those photocopies of the book. PRICELESS!!!

I explained to ...her that I have tons of books already made up and I told her that $8 would be just fine. So, when I picked her up on tues., I asked her how many still wanted books after they found out the price. She read me the list & only 3 backed out. She still had 14 buyers. How cool is that!!!!! I am taking her with me to sales, for sure! I told her I would reward her, she said she didn't need one.

Well, I am taking $2.00 from each book sold to do something for her classroom.  Maybe pizza party or something they need or want, haven't decided yet.

 Proud Grandma
/////Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Winter Wonderland Windchill

Here we are again in our winter wonderland.  3+ inches of snow yesterday and wind chill so bitter that school was cancelled again to protect out children. I am happy for that, those cute little faces do not need to be frozen off!!  I do remember a week long furlough when my kids were in school though, but I do not remember any other time that it happened.  Snow days yes, but as far as wind chill days no others come to mind.   

I am grateful today for all of my family that they are happy and healthy in whatever they choose to do.  I am grateful that no one is facing any serious illness or surgeries or anything that prevents them from carrying on with their lives.  I am grateful that I am able to be a part of those lives as a grandmother also.  My only grandparent, Grandfather Ignatz, passed away when I was 5 or 6. My father died at age 56 when I was twelve, so I missed out on having him in the greater majority of my life. My mother left us when I was 28 with three young children, that was such a shock to all of us.  As a result, I am been billed as "an over the top grandma" and I love every minute of it!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Reducing Prices

Hello all,

I've decided I would love everyone to read and enjoy what I have created with my imagination.
So, I'm reducing the price from $11.99 to $8.99 and the s&h to $2.00.  I hope I will be able to reach more people this way.

Please take a chance and read my 8 years worth of creativity.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Breast Cancer Health - Planning Your Life

Boy, you never know what's going to happen to your health.  You can only plan on planning how your life is going to go and the rest is left to chance I guess is how I would put it.  I wouldn't have guess I would experience a major slowdown this past year.  After having surgery for Stage One Breast Cancer and having it successfully removed and cleared of all cancer cells, my life changed dramatically.  I no longer have the stamina that I once had and need a long nap every day, two hours right on the button.  No matter what time I get up in the morning or what time I go to bed, it's the same, still  a two hour rest is required.  I do have to go without a nap some days however, if I am gone or have company or something.  Then that next day, I can't wait to get to my nap pretty much as soon as I get up in the morning.  Now that is sad.  Alot of time invested in that down time.  But when I  wake up from said nap, I am ready to accomplish something.  Unfortunately, not enough time for major projects to be done quickly though.  Oh well, we all have our repercussion from health issues. 
So, I am trying to reduce the number of copies of Acres that I have stored.  Reducing the price hopefully will do that for me.  We shall see!!  Price will come down from $11.99 to $8.99.  Hopefully I will have some people taking advantage of the offier.

Debra A. Patrow, Acres of Bitterness, Wisconsin, Idaho, Rocky Mts. Bitteroot Mts. Native Americans, Historical Fiction, Nez Perce, Romance Novel, 1877, 1905,1930, love, loss, birth, death, intrigue, mystery, suspense, history, family secrets, three decades

Books in Print Price - Reduction

Reducing my price of Acres of Bitterness from $11.99 to $8.99.  Have to much inventory in stock and due to health reasons won't be getting out there to sell as much as I did before.  Please take advantage of this offer and read my book full of all of my amazing ideas for the characters.